2022 Homecoming Dance
October 5, 2022
Wheaton Warrenville South students and various guests attended this year’s coast-to-coast, travel-themed Homecoming dance on Saturday, Sept. 24 in the Orange and Black gym. Inside the gym, colored lights, fog, and bass-heavy speakers created a lively atmosphere where students moshed around the large stage. Two DJs worked together to play tracks from pop classics like “Starships” by Nicki Minaj to the latest hip hop hits. Students dressed in formal attire gathered outside of the gym, with games of Connect Four, chess, and cornhole available for Tigers to play. Those who preferred a more mild alternative to the night were able to sit at round tables or stand along the sidelines outside the gym to engage in calmer conversations with their peers.
Various students reported on the quality of the night. “I enjoyed the lights and decorations,” shared one student. Another student reflected that “the mosh pit was very exciting,” his friend declaring that the social experience and dressing up was the most invigorating aspect of the evening.
Later in the night, a DJ dedicated a shout-out to a student who revealed it was their birthday. For a grand finale, streamers were sprung into the air to celebrate a memorable night for Tigers and this year’s dance.